Name: Your name (Given names and Surname) is important because we need to be able to identify you with your transaction.
Nominated Email Address: We will send your payment confirmation (receipt) to your nominated email address.
CAA Participant ID: If known, this is your unique CAA issued identification number. However, if you do not have one, you are still able to continue with the transaction. For Medical Certification Application fee - Please supply your CAA participant ID number. Or go to MyAviation to register with CAA and receive your participant ID number. For other products - CAA will allocate one when the application is received.
NZ residency for tax purposes (Medical Certificate Application Fee only): If you are resident outside of New Zealand (i.e. you are a non-resident for New Zealand tax purposes) then GST will be excluded from the medical fee. Click here for more information.
Registration Mark: Enter the allocated, reserved or existing registration mark of the aircraft to which the product applies. This allows us to reconcile the payment to the application and affected aircraft quickly. We only accept 3-letter combinations (e.g. ABC).
If you do not know the registration mark, or want the next unassigned/available mark, or there is no assigned NZ mark (e.g. for initial registrations) then select "I don't know the mark".
Billing Name: The Billing Name will appear on the payment confirmation (receipt). This can be left blank.
Billing Email Address: A copy of the payment confirmation (receipt) is sent to this email address. This can be left blank.
reCAPTCHA, "I'm not a robot": To confirm that you are not a robot, place a
check in the box next to "I'm not a robot", then follow any steps if prompted.
The reCAPTCHA service is designed to protect websites from automated systems or
"bots" by ensuring that a real person is completing the transaction. To verify that
you are not a robot, please check the box to the left of the statement, "I'm not a
robot." Use your mouse to click the box, or, on a touch screen, your finger to tap
the box.